Wednesday 7 May 2008

Summary of my experiences within the module

I have found this module quite enjoyable. The weekly lectures and the discussions within the class were very interesting and formative. Listening to peoples experiences and feelings on the subjects were good and sometimes quite funny. Alot of people had different views on certain issues which were interesting to listen to. I feel as though I can reflect on other peoples and my own behaviour in a positive way and take into consideration of how certain behaviour can effect others and why people sometimes behave in bad ways.

Tuesday 6 May 2008


Age? 28

Sex? Female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social Care / Social Policy

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes

If so, how? And if not, why not? It has helped to understand peoples behaviour, what is bad and immoral and how people react to certain issues.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? An appropriate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Criminal behaviour.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes.

What did you think of the module team? Very help full and enjoyable to listen to.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

Small group discussions? No

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? No I feel that the discussions in class were enough.

Information and talk from lecturers? No I found the information and talk was adequate.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’ Be Allowed’ at level 2? I haven't really thought about it yet.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes Definitely.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes, I really enjoyed doing the blog entries and reading others.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? Yes.

What have you learned from the module? I have learnt a lot I feel about certain issues and how others feel about certain behaviours. I enjoyed learning about how things were looked upon in the past and the history of certain behaviours.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? I found all useful ,all aspects of the module has helped me to understand different issues and in some ways why people do certain things, and how people view and feel about these issues.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? None.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? A very interesting, different module.

Monday 5 May 2008

Lying with Integrity

Is it bad to tell lies? I suppose it depends on the lie being told, if it is to protect someone from being hurt, then I think that may be OK only if it is a little white lie. I believe that everyone tells little white lies occasionally (I know I do). I would never intentionally tell a lie to hurt someone . I believe that telling big lies only leads to more and when that happens your your just living in bull.... land and that cant be good for ones self.

Sunday 4 May 2008

My reply to Anisha`s comment on youth`s being bad

My reply to Anisha`s comment,

I dont think at any time in my blog on youth crime do I imlpy that ALL children are bad,being a
mother myself I know that all children are not, but I do understand that they are easily influenced.Circumstances and geographical location has alot to do with peoples behaviour.I do not feel that i implied that the people in their lives tell them to go and kill people either. I really dont think that you read my entry properly at all. I take it that you dont watch or read much news to think that our society does not have a problem with youth crime.I also feel that your comment on people never understanding why people do bad things is also wrong as I believe a lot of people care about such issues and work to understand such behaviour.

04 May 2008 17:37

Bad Cinima

Unfortunately I missed the film Kids, but from reading other peoples blogs it sounds quite disturbing. So I suppose I'm glad I missed it.

Really though was it that shocking? I mean aren't a lot of films aimed these days to shock the audience?
Most films that have been in the cinima are disturbing like Hostel or Saw.

TV programmes for example, Shameless or even Hollyoaks show a lot of bad behaviour from kids.

Certain issues are OK these days to show or talk about whereas a couple of years ago people wouldn't dare it would cause to much controversy.Perhaps many of us today like to be shocked or disturbed after all there is certainly a huge industry for it.

Sunday 27 April 2008

comment 6

My comment to Matt ...
I agree that infidelity is not just for the 'lower' classes. I'm sure it is (and always has been) the sport of kings! Its only people at that end who can afford to get divorced. Look at Paul Macartney. Poor people being excluded from something else! We can't just move to our other house in the country!
27 April 2008 10:48

Tobacco a bit of History

This is my second blog on smoking. Today my son's grandad bought him a book Horrible Histories ,Terrible Tudors by Terry Deary and Neil Tonge,and in it is a piece about tobacco, I found it interesting so thought I would stick it in a blog.

It starts with a chap named Walter Raleigh who if your not too good with your history (like me) was a sailor, writer and author who was liked very much by Queen Elizabeth the 1st. He was said to have been the first man to bring tobacco to England but this is not true (a lie bad behaviour no?), there are records of tobacco being used in France in 1560-26 years before Raleigh`s ships returned from Virginia.It was brought there by John Nicot (who's name gives us nicotine).

In 1573 William Harrison wrote. In these days the taking of the Indian herb called tobacco is greatly taken up in England. It is used against rheums and other diseases of the lungs with great effect.(plonka)

In 1614, Barnaby Rich wrote, They say tobacco is good for colds, rheums, for aches, for dropsies and all kinds of diseases, but I see the ones who smoke most are as effected by those diseases as much as the ones that don't. It is now sold in every tavern, inn and ale-house as much as beer.....nowadays you can till buy them in the taverns..but you can't smoke them there !

King James the 1st hated tobacco smoking, he wrote that smoking was. . .

A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain and dangerous to the lungs. (very clever man).

(If Raleigh really did smoke and James the first was the first anti-smoking campaigner, then James I was a great success. In 1618 he cured Raleigh's `loathsome` habit for good. James had Raleigh's head chopped off for treason!!)

Friday 25 April 2008

Outlaws and Bandits

Robin Hood, well I must be quite stupid, because before the lecture I always thought he was real (what a plonka). In his mythical being was he BAD? Iwould have to say no. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor can't be bad or immoral can it? is that not what the government does for real out of taxation? Was his band of merry men the first customs and revenue? A safe passage? buy a passport for a thousand groats! Give us your gold or Little John will bash you with his enormous staff! Will Scarlet? The first fashion victim...can't he wear green like the rest of us? Friar Tuck..he eats all the profits! Maid Marion...we have to call her Marion now...'cause Maid ain't PC enough for the BBC.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Nasty Comedians

Roy Chubby Brown he has got to be one of the foulest comedians ever well him and the late Bernard Manning.

Manning was know for his distasteful racist jokes and his remarks towards homosexuals.

Why are most jokes sexual, racial, homophobic, or about body size?

I found this on the BBC news website;

Ann Winterton(MP) is not the first person to fall foul of telling racist jokes. But for good or bad, race is one subject of which joke-tellers never tire. Why is
``Ann Winterton's joke wasn't funny. Even Bernard Manning admits that.
In telling a racist gag in an after-dinner speech, she committed an act of
professional suicide which saw her sacked from the shadow cabinet. The
"joke" - in case you haven't heard it - was that there was an Englishman, a
Cuban, a Japanese man and a Pakistani on a train. The Cuban throws a cigar out
of the window, saying they are "ten-a-penny" in his country. The Japanese man
throws a Nikon camera out, saying they are ten-a-penny in his country. Then the
Englishman throws the Pakistani out the window``.

Why is this acceptable,where do we draw a line? BAD and Immoral behaviour YES

I was trying to think of a comedian who doesn't have to talk about any of the above to make a joke and thought of Peter Kay, he can talk about dunking biscuits and get a laugh, so it is possible without having to offend people (unless of course hob nobs have got feelings).

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Cults (New Religous Movement)

" person's cult is another's religion; all religions begin life as cults. An alternative definition is that a cult is a religion which you happen to dislike."

Anthony Campbell, "David V. Barrett: THE NEW BELIEVERS, A survey of sects, cults and alternative religions," Book review, 2001, at:

Cults are normally perceived by people to be religious groups that brainwash its followers, but the majority of the time they are just new faith groups that people choose to follow.

Below is an example I found on a BAD cult;

On Nov. 18, 1978, in Jonestown, Guyana, more than 900 members of the Peoples Temple cult, led by Rev. Jim Jones, an American, committed suicide by drinking poisoned punch. The mass suicide immediately followed the murder of Rep. Leo J. Ryan (D-Calif.), who was visiting Guyana to investigate Jonestown and was ambushed along with several others at the Port Kaituma airstrip.

Click the following link for more information on Jim Jones of The Peoples Temple and Jonestown.

Another example of a bad cult is the Charlie Manson murders If you want to read about it click on the link below.

comment 5

I left a comment on Being Bad / Andy Horton

Sounds very interesting.I agree it would be a bad place to visit plus full of bad people.But I dont think that the criminals would appriciate a load of students studying them to
23 April 2008 21:37


Illegal drugs (controlled substances)they are classified into different categories ;

Class A drugs include, LSD,Crack,Cocaine,Heroin,Magic Mushrooms,Cristal Meth.

Class B drugs include, Amphetamines, Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Pholcodine.

Class C drugs include, Cannabis, tranquilisers, some painkillers, GHB (Gamma hydroxybutyrate), ketamine.
All are illegal and all are BAD for you.
Some of the dangers that drug taking involves are :
Mental illness
Sexual diseases (not thinking straight and having unsafe sex)
Loss of inhibitions
False sense of superiority
Loss of family and relationship breakdown
Criminal activity
Bad situation in ones life.
Some reasons for drug abuse:
Peer Pressure
To escape from reality
To relax
Recreational purposes
To get high, have a buzz.
Some BAD and IMMORAL behaviour caused by drugs:
Drugs cause a never ending supply of victims, i.e the family members of drug
addicts turn into victims by having to see their loved ones turn into the person they become due to drug abuse, they may steal from them become violent towards them, become prisoners or even set the example for younger members of the family.Also in such as household burglaries and prostitution these become victims of drug abuse.
Ciggaettes are addictive and can kill but yet they are not illegall why? Please feel free to comment.
Alcohol is addictive, causes family breakdown, can end up killing people,causes people to become violent so why is this not illegal?

Drugs can effect anyone!!

george-michael-drunk.jpg unloyalublicistcom-amywinehouse.jpg
Perhaps in a way alcohol is a more harder drug than cannabis, yes one is illegal and the other not,but when have you ever heard of someone beating their wife half to death after having a spliff? Have any of you heard the song by The Streets-The Irony Of It All ,if you have you will know what I mean if not have a listen. I know that some say cannabis can make you paranoid or cause mental illness, i suppose it effects people in different ways, but does that not count for alcohol too ???

Sunday 20 April 2008


This is a tattoo machine it has a magnetic vibrator which drives the needle up and down.

A man with tattoos and other body modifications.

I looked at some history about tattoos and found it quite interesting here is just one piece of history for loads more visit,
In 1991, a five thousand year old tattooed man ‘ötzi the ice man’ made the headlines of newspapers all over the world when his frozen body was discovered on a mountain between Austria and Italy. this is the best preserved corpse of that period ever found. the skin bears 57 tattoos: a cross on the inside of the left knee, six straight lines 15 centimeters long above the kidneys and numerous parallel lines on the ankles. the position of the tattoo marks suggests that they were probably applied for therapeutic reasons (treatment of arthritis). Pictures below are different cultures with tattoos.

A lot of prisoners and gang members in America get tattoos to represent certain criminal behaviour for example, what crimes they have committed or how many of their gang members have been killed.Would this count as BAD behaviour?

I have never really given much thought regarding tattoos, members of my family and friends have them but I never have. Its not because I don't like them its just that it looks really painful and I for one only have to see a needle and I'm on the verge of
passing out.
I wouldn't say that it is immoral or bad behaviour if a person has a tattoo.It is completely up to the individual if for whatever reason they want one and if they do eventually get tired of it they can get it removed.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Youths Being Bad

Our society has definitely got a problem with youth crime, you only have to watch the news to see this. Children are killing each other for no reason at all,they are getting criminal records or ASBO`s .Why is this happening? Why is the youth of today so different from other generations?
Is it the parents fault? Has the way we discipline our children changed so much that they do as they like and not worry about consequence,are parents to scared to discipline now that they can be taken to court for it?Is it because mothers are motivated more to work these days that there is no one home to keep an eye on them?
Is it the Governments fault or societies itself ? Are they bored and have no where to go, so they cause disturbances to keep occupied?
Do they kill each other because of the music they listen too or the films they watch?Is it because alcohol has become so easy for them to purchase?
Why do young people join gangs ?
Why has BAD behaviour become so intriguing to our youths?????

What makes a child offend?
There are many reasons why a child may turn to crime, but the most common ones are:
lack of education and playing truant
poor family relationships
peer pressure (having friends who commit crime)
having family members who commit crime
drug and alcohol abuse
mental health issues, such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Click on the link above to find out what the government is doing about youth crime.

Comment 4

A comment made to ....

I totally agree with you about arrogant Jeremy Kyle,I have never been overly keen on him.He
does seem to look down on his quests.However people must find it entertaining or they wouldn`t watch and that would be the end of the show.The people who phone in to be on national tv to share their problems with the whole nation know exactly what they are getting themselves into,why not talk to proffessional people privately about their problems?
15 April 2008 09:55

Third comment

My comment to

I have to agree about our fellow students behaviour.I felt sorry for the lecturer and found their behaviour quite disrespectful.I do think that the people who walked out of the lecture however had more respect than the ones who just talked all the way through it.

15 April 2008 16:40

Monday 7 April 2008

Bad Behaviour

Being bad, everyone has done something bad in their lifetime, I do not care what any of you say it is in our nature. Whether it is stealing, taking drugs, lying, or even infidelity etc, one has either done one or all. In all there is bad and good some use one more than the other (quite often the good hopefully).I think that this module opens people`s eyes to how ones behaviour can effect people or society as a whole.Some things discussed in the module will be worse or more immoral than the other, it all depends on that persons opinion, some will agree some wont, that's what makes it so interesting don't you think?

Sunday 6 April 2008


Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation, especially of one's own genitals and often to the point of orgasm, which is performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (except for sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods.Masturbation is the most common form of autoeroticism, and the two words are often used as synonyms, although masturbation with a partner (mutual masturbation) is also common. Animal masturbation has been observed in many species, both in the wild and in captivity.

Masturbation,well this is certainly something that is not talked about on a daily basis. Is it bad or immoral ? I would say that depends on where it is done, in private absolutely OK (go for it, it is after all only natural) in a public place No way, definitely perverted.

Masturbation in history and society can be found by clicking on the link below, I found it quite interesting. Go on have a peak you now you want to.

This is an image of a Chasity belt.Looks very uncomfortable, Bet they would have loved the male thong back in the day.

This is a device designed to stop masturbation by inflicting electric shocks upon the perpetrator, by ringing an alarm bell, and through spikes at the inner edge of the tube into which the penis is inserted. Ouch.

In the various English speaking regions of the world, masturbating has different synonyms. Here are a few slang ones for you,

Male Masturbation Synonyms :

jerk off
jack off
spank the monkey
wack off
choke the chicken
play the upright organ
polish the purple helmet
squeeze one off,
and that's just a few i found, doesn't sound like much of a turn on!!

Female masturbation synonyms:

slip `n` slide
pet the kitty
stroke the cat,
don`t think I like the sound of any of them.

So masturbation is it bad behaviour? I would have to say nooooo!! Please feel free to comment.

Friday 28 March 2008


My personal opinion on shoplifting would be that it is wrong, and I for one would not be able to do it. The simple reason being that I would not want the humiliation of being caught and the fact that it is against the law. Although some people for instance, homeless people, stealing to feed themselves could be said to have a reason for doing so, even though there are other alternatives available, for example the Good Shepherd or YMCA are possible. Also drug users who steal to pay for their habit and are perhaps at the lowest point in their lives have an excuse for stealing, even though it is wrong. I think that there are certainly different levels of circumstances and excuses for which people steal, if you take the examples of homeless people and drug users against examples of people who do it for a rush or say people stealing the latest make-up accessories, then I could certainly empathise with the first two examples more than the last two. It is definitely wrong and everyone who shops ends up paying for it. I would not say it's the worst crime, it is certainly not as bad as armed robbery, where the person suffering in that case would be emotionally scared if not financially hurt.

I came across this on the Internet and found it quite funny!!

Shoplifter: Come and Get me!

A supermarket theft was reported to Berlin’s Police recently. when the police got to the crime scene they surprisingly found out the the 30 year old shoplifter has left his contact info for the police!

The shoplifter who was born in Liverpool, England, left a note to the shop assistant and then left the store carrying a full bag of shopping in one hand and a pack of toilet paper under his arm. The note was saying the following message in German:
“Call the police, I’ve just stolen…”

So the officers went to the address provided and surprisingly they found the shoplifter there! he admitted the crime with no problem and justified it by saying that he and his girlfriend(who was pregnant) were having cashflow problems because of a mistake by the social security office.

The police spokesman said this about the act:
“You don’t come across criminals like this every day.The man wouldn’t say why he tipped us off.“

Monday 10 March 2008

Smoking (+first comment)

Is smoking bad for you? Definitely. Diseases caused by smoking include coronary heart disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and pneumonia plus many more. Yet we still choose to do it. Why? Is it because it's addictive?Is it because we look cool?

Secondhand smoke's a killer, medical research shows that babies and children exposed to second hand smoke are at higher risk of cot death, meningitis, ear infections, more coughs, colds and wheezes. Yet according to the NHS health department nearly half the children in England live in homes where at least one person smokes.

I personally think that the ban in July 2007 was a good thing. I can now take my children anywhere without them breathing in someone else's smoke. I smoke and have done for 16 years but that was my choice, whereas non smokers should have the choice not to breath smoke.

Exposure to smoking in movies is a potential influence on young peoples' smoking behavior. Surveys have shown that greater exposure to smoking in movies predicts increased likelihood of trying smoking. Exposure to movies where smoking takes place would make attitudes more favourable towards smoking. Youths who have never smoked but see a movie star who they liked smoking would more than likely think it cool and try it for themselves.

I made a comment on Tom's Weblog:

venessa said...
Doesn't Humphrey Bogart look cool with that cigarette? No wonder all the young men in the fifties wanted to smoke. It must av been great..nobody knew it was killing them, they were cheap, you could smoke where you liked...even in hospital..especially in the cinema..a golden age!
31 March 2008 21:40

Saturday 1 March 2008

Stalking ( +second comment)

Stalking is defined as "the willful, malicious and repeated following and harassing of another person" (Meloy,1998).

Recognizing someone as a stalker is almost impossible. They don't look different. Many can seem quite charming, while others may be gauche or socially incapable.

There are many 'celebrity watchers' who end up being real creeps. They become obsessed with the star and can sometimes even believe the person loves them, even though they have never met! One such was the stalker of Monica Seles, a famous tennis star, who ended up stabbing her at a tournament. she was never the same player again, and his madness cost her millions in lost earnings. Yet every time she tried to get justice the man was let off.

Many celebrities feel they are stalked by the Paparatzi. Lady Diana for instance was said by some royal watchers to have been hounded to death by them.

My comment to Nat:

venessa said...
I completely agree about Lady Di. I reckon she'd be alive today if everyone had left her alone. Publicity is what they want..not harassement!
31 March 2008 21:13

Monday 25 February 2008


I believe that infidelity is one of the most horrible things that can happen in a relationship.I wouldn't want it to happen to myself . A relationship is nothing without trust and i feel that if this was broken it would be very difficult to repair.Yet it happens, you only have to read about celebrities to see this.Why do people do it?To much to drink?, need to have something different now and then?, don't feel loved by their spouse?,excitement?,danger?Who knows ?only the people that do it can answer that question.

"Infidelity is a breach of faith,and occurs in a number of contexts (e.g.,in religious contexts).Also called cheating:`any violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of a relationship`. What constitutes an act of infidelity varies between and within cultures.It does not depend on the presence of sexual behaviour.Even within a close relationship, people might have very different ideas and perceptions of infidelity."

Cheating is an act of lying and deception.

Deception is the act of convincing another to believe information that is not true.

Betrayal,as a form of deception is the breaking of a presumptive contract (trust, or confidence) that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals.

Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and one who is not his/her spouse.

Infidelity in film;

Closer is a film involving deception,infidelity,intimacy and sacrifice.

Derailed is a film about a married school teacher (Clive Owen) whose marriage is falling apart due to the stresses of caring for their seriously ill daughter. He meets a women (Jennifer Aniston) and starts an affair only for it to end in violence,blackmail,prison and murder.

Random Hearts is about two people who meet when both partners are killed in a plain crash,they realise that they were having an affair.It is about grief and betrayal.

Infidelity in song;

"Me and Mrs Jones" performed by soul singer Billy Paul 1972. It describes a extramarital affair between a man and his lover.

"Saving all my love for you" performed by Witney Houston 1985. It is about a love affair with a married man.

Sunday 24 February 2008

Field Trip

we could visit a "Drum and Bass" venue.

All kinds of bad behaviour happens, from the taking of class A drugs , smoking in a public place , gang warfare,shooting of guns (occasionally),sexual acts, mc `s chatting all kinds of abuse,access drinking and fighting.

Putting all of that aside though it would be a fantastic night, even if some of you aren't into the D n B scene its a great experience just to witness the whole atmosphere !!


Celebrity couple Ashley (rat in the hat) Cole and Cheryl (girls aloud) will meet up to try and put their marriage right.

Cheryl came back from LA to talk to Ashley, according to the Sun.
The couple are trying to see if a reconciliation is possible after the Chelsea player played around with several women (some of them have cashed in by selling their story to the papers) - what did he think they would do?

Cheryl has been relaxing in Thailand and LA with her band Girls Aloud.

Acording to the Sun newspaper, a friend said: “She feels she needs to give him a final hearing. But she knows deep down there is nothing more he can say, He is guilty as sin.”
Chelsea star Ashley allegedly slept with hairdresser Aimee Walton after a heavy night out drinking. Bet she couldn't believe her luck! I mean did he really think he would get away with it?