Sunday 20 April 2008


This is a tattoo machine it has a magnetic vibrator which drives the needle up and down.

A man with tattoos and other body modifications.

I looked at some history about tattoos and found it quite interesting here is just one piece of history for loads more visit,
In 1991, a five thousand year old tattooed man ‘ötzi the ice man’ made the headlines of newspapers all over the world when his frozen body was discovered on a mountain between Austria and Italy. this is the best preserved corpse of that period ever found. the skin bears 57 tattoos: a cross on the inside of the left knee, six straight lines 15 centimeters long above the kidneys and numerous parallel lines on the ankles. the position of the tattoo marks suggests that they were probably applied for therapeutic reasons (treatment of arthritis). Pictures below are different cultures with tattoos.

A lot of prisoners and gang members in America get tattoos to represent certain criminal behaviour for example, what crimes they have committed or how many of their gang members have been killed.Would this count as BAD behaviour?

I have never really given much thought regarding tattoos, members of my family and friends have them but I never have. Its not because I don't like them its just that it looks really painful and I for one only have to see a needle and I'm on the verge of
passing out.
I wouldn't say that it is immoral or bad behaviour if a person has a tattoo.It is completely up to the individual if for whatever reason they want one and if they do eventually get tired of it they can get it removed.

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