Wednesday 23 April 2008


Illegal drugs (controlled substances)they are classified into different categories ;

Class A drugs include, LSD,Crack,Cocaine,Heroin,Magic Mushrooms,Cristal Meth.

Class B drugs include, Amphetamines, Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Pholcodine.

Class C drugs include, Cannabis, tranquilisers, some painkillers, GHB (Gamma hydroxybutyrate), ketamine.
All are illegal and all are BAD for you.
Some of the dangers that drug taking involves are :
Mental illness
Sexual diseases (not thinking straight and having unsafe sex)
Loss of inhibitions
False sense of superiority
Loss of family and relationship breakdown
Criminal activity
Bad situation in ones life.
Some reasons for drug abuse:
Peer Pressure
To escape from reality
To relax
Recreational purposes
To get high, have a buzz.
Some BAD and IMMORAL behaviour caused by drugs:
Drugs cause a never ending supply of victims, i.e the family members of drug
addicts turn into victims by having to see their loved ones turn into the person they become due to drug abuse, they may steal from them become violent towards them, become prisoners or even set the example for younger members of the family.Also in such as household burglaries and prostitution these become victims of drug abuse.
Ciggaettes are addictive and can kill but yet they are not illegall why? Please feel free to comment.
Alcohol is addictive, causes family breakdown, can end up killing people,causes people to become violent so why is this not illegal?

Drugs can effect anyone!!

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Perhaps in a way alcohol is a more harder drug than cannabis, yes one is illegal and the other not,but when have you ever heard of someone beating their wife half to death after having a spliff? Have any of you heard the song by The Streets-The Irony Of It All ,if you have you will know what I mean if not have a listen. I know that some say cannabis can make you paranoid or cause mental illness, i suppose it effects people in different ways, but does that not count for alcohol too ???

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