Monday 10 March 2008

Smoking (+first comment)

Is smoking bad for you? Definitely. Diseases caused by smoking include coronary heart disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and pneumonia plus many more. Yet we still choose to do it. Why? Is it because it's addictive?Is it because we look cool?

Secondhand smoke's a killer, medical research shows that babies and children exposed to second hand smoke are at higher risk of cot death, meningitis, ear infections, more coughs, colds and wheezes. Yet according to the NHS health department nearly half the children in England live in homes where at least one person smokes.

I personally think that the ban in July 2007 was a good thing. I can now take my children anywhere without them breathing in someone else's smoke. I smoke and have done for 16 years but that was my choice, whereas non smokers should have the choice not to breath smoke.

Exposure to smoking in movies is a potential influence on young peoples' smoking behavior. Surveys have shown that greater exposure to smoking in movies predicts increased likelihood of trying smoking. Exposure to movies where smoking takes place would make attitudes more favourable towards smoking. Youths who have never smoked but see a movie star who they liked smoking would more than likely think it cool and try it for themselves.

I made a comment on Tom's Weblog:

venessa said...
Doesn't Humphrey Bogart look cool with that cigarette? No wonder all the young men in the fifties wanted to smoke. It must av been great..nobody knew it was killing them, they were cheap, you could smoke where you liked...even in hospital..especially in the cinema..a golden age!
31 March 2008 21:40

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