Tuesday 15 April 2008

Youths Being Bad

Our society has definitely got a problem with youth crime, you only have to watch the news to see this. Children are killing each other for no reason at all,they are getting criminal records or ASBO`s .Why is this happening? Why is the youth of today so different from other generations?
Is it the parents fault? Has the way we discipline our children changed so much that they do as they like and not worry about consequence,are parents to scared to discipline now that they can be taken to court for it?Is it because mothers are motivated more to work these days that there is no one home to keep an eye on them?
Is it the Governments fault or societies itself ? Are they bored and have no where to go, so they cause disturbances to keep occupied?
Do they kill each other because of the music they listen too or the films they watch?Is it because alcohol has become so easy for them to purchase?
Why do young people join gangs ?
Why has BAD behaviour become so intriguing to our youths?????

What makes a child offend?
There are many reasons why a child may turn to crime, but the most common ones are:
lack of education and playing truant
poor family relationships
peer pressure (having friends who commit crime)
having family members who commit crime
drug and alcohol abuse
mental health issues, such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Click on the link above to find out what the government is doing about youth crime.

1 comment:

Anisha said...

I don't agree with everything that you have written. The way that you have written this entry implies that all children are bad and this is not the case. This may not have been what you were trying to imply but thats the impression I got from reading this.

Not all children are bad, ok i do agree that there are some children out there who are really bad ok, maybe evil to do some of the things that they have, but this is not all children.

The media also makes a big issue of children being bad but there is never any mention of the children who behave and do good.

I don't think society does have a problem with youth crime but i agree there are issues. No-one is ever really going to understand why these children do bad things but it could be that they have psychological problems and thats the reason why they do it.

Children probably don't have good influences but i guess that people in the lives don't suggest they do bad things such as killings.

Youth crime is an issue i agree and something does need to be done about it but i don't think anyone is really going to understand why some people do bad things are they??